Forbes Article 13FEB2023 – Assign Business Value To Your Program Increment Objectives

Assign Business Value To Your Program Increment Objectives

Value is a measurable outcome that can be realized and shared.  The concept of business value (BV) is an opportunity for agile value delivery teams and business owners (BOs) to better understand the business objectives and their value. The business value assignment uses a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

Customer Feedback:

  • This speaks to me and adapts to the business we are in.
  • This will help me think of the PI objectives differently. It has an expectation of what the feature will deliver, and I see the value it could bring when delivered.
  • This will help our business owners align on common definitions for more productive conversations.
  • This is a tool to increase understanding of if an item is aligned to a vision, help in setting priorities, and specify business value forecast.