Belonging and Healing at Humana

I am grateful to be with you today to share in this moment of belonging and healing.
Belonging and Healing is about you and me. We live in a country that afford us the freedom to choose to belong and heal.
Black History Month 2023 Theme: Black Resistance to ongoing oppression but should be elevated to Human Resistance to oppression. It is the work that you and I must do to experience freedom from the constraints that limit our full potential.
In Dr. Kings I have a Dream speech, he emphasized:
When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. He said, we would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Dream with me for a moment and imaging the image you see is the U.S.S. Ubuntu starship. Purpose is to help us build a community that experiences Belonging and Healing.
What attendees said about the presentation:
- Answering Dave's question ... Many pieces resonated ... and for me, forgiveness is multi-purpose, for me to resourcefully relate to the past. Instead of having memories give me who I am, who I am can be given by right-now inner resources.
- Yay! Go Pios. My Alma Mater
- Thank you, Dr. Dave, for sharing!
- Thank you Dr. Dave that was great!!
- "Where do I lean in and where do I lean OUT" I think is a great way to describe the openness and curiosity you need to be a good Advocate and Ally
- Love the reference to WI as well Jason and Adam, thx Dr. Dave, great thoughts!
- Thank you!!! I am in Madison WI
- Thank you Dr. Dave!!
- I am thankful to learn about "ubuntu" today...thank you.
- Thank you for having this discussion - good to say it out loud and call it out
- Thank you for sharing today Dr. Dave. Your message was very powerful!
- Thank you for sharing
- Thanks Dr Dave- Inspirational
- I like his reference to Ubuntu. If you have not read the book its a great read: EveryDay Ubuntu by Mungi Ngomane. She is grand daughter of the late Rev Desmond Tutu from South Africa.
- "Build the root that we can experience the fruit." Awesome
- This poem is beautiful!
- Beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing the text!
- The Root before the Fruit! I love it!!!
- Someone is cutting onions in my house!!
- They must be in my house as well!
- Ubuntu " You are Enough" Powerful
- Loving the energy here <3
- Just what I need to hear Dr. Dave!! Thank you!
"Lift up your brothers and sisters so we are all elevated". Dr. Dave - "If I don't care for myself, who will?" - Dr. Dave (snap, snap, snap!) #selfcare
You go Dr. Dave, I love it 🙂 - Hello Dr.Dave!!
When you experience Belonging that is like what?
- It's family and safety.
- Being understood
- the ability to be authentic without compromise
- Trust
- safe space to be authentic self
- Safe community
- When my leaders, peers and friends appreciate who I am and what I have to offer.
- Knowing you are not judged for who you are.
- feel seen
- Acceptance with Agape love
- Love
- is like feeling, a part of, feeling at home, feeling creative, feeling encouraged, safe to speak, feeling supported, feeling included, feeling accepted, feeling...
My preferred Healing Option(s) are:
- Forgiveness (Body & Mind focused) 17 votes
- Somatic (Body focused) 1 vote
- Coaching (Whole person focused) 11 votes
- Healing Circle (Body & Mind focused) 9 votes
- Psychotherapy (Mind focused) 4 votes
- Spiritual (Spirit focused) 14 votes